by Mary Zimmerman
Photo by David Heguy
Photo by David Heguy
My first role away from SM.
This was my first show assignment under the Technical Direction track as a Deck Carpenter. It was a challenge to work with and manage a pool on stage but was nice to warm into the TD mindset with a backstage role.
Photo by David Heguy
My role and responsibilities
As the Deck Carpenter, I had the unique role of being the point person for set fixes and longer term issues that needed troubleshooting. I ended up being responsible for:
Maintaining a consistent pool depth, temperature, and chemical content.
Controlling leaks underneath the set as they arose.
Cleaning pool and monitoring efficacy of various heating solutions.
Fixing “Stepping Stones” as they deformed due to moisture.
Directed by Sam Osheroff
Scenic Designer Mia Irwin; Costume Designer Maddie Simpson; Lighting Designer David Heguy; Sound Designer Mac Miller; PSM Claire Phillips
Technical Director Chris Russo; Deck Carpenter Hailey Sanchez