
by Mary Zimmerman

Photo by David Heguy

Photo by David Heguy

My first role away from SM.

This was my first show assignment under the Technical Direction track as a Deck Carpenter. It was a challenge to work with and manage a pool on stage but was nice to warm into the TD mindset with a backstage role.

Photo by David Heguy

My role and responsibilities

As the Deck Carpenter, I had the unique role of being the point person for set fixes and longer term issues that needed troubleshooting. I ended up being responsible for:

  • Maintaining a consistent pool depth, temperature, and chemical content.

  • Controlling leaks underneath the set as they arose.

  • Cleaning pool and monitoring efficacy of various heating solutions.

  • Fixing “Stepping Stones” as they deformed due to moisture.

Directed by Sam Osheroff

Scenic Designer Mia Irwin; Costume Designer Maddie Simpson; Lighting Designer David Heguy; Sound Designer Mac Miller; PSM Claire Phillips

Technical Director Chris Russo; Deck Carpenter Hailey Sanchez


Into the Woods


Blood at the Root